Wednesday, March 1, 2017



Tom was walking to school in morning. As he passed through the food court, a delicious smell filled his nostrils. His feet was walking behind the aroma and stopped in front of a noodle stall that was tucked away in the corner. The aroma of the noodles made his stomach to grumble.Soon, Tom held a bowl of piping hot noodle soup in her hands. Tom  ate the noodles blissfully, licking her lips.

Tom had eaten his full , but his gluttony made him to buy another bowl of noodles. His stomach crammed full of noodles. After he finished both bowls, he thought his stomach would burst anymore. He walked slowly to school. The bell rang and the teacher entered the class.

When everyone was busy listening the lessons, Tom could hear growling sound from his stomach. He felt that his stomach was upset. He had been controlling his urges for entire lesson. Once he heard the recess bell, he rushed to toilet. The prolonged urges control had drawn away his conscious. Without noticing he entered into the girls toilet.The bowl of noodles that he took in morning made his condition worse. Tom heard some giggling sound outside but he was not in state to look back.

As he came out of cubicle, he regained his conscious and discovered that he was in girls toilet.  Some group of girls were standing outside the toilet made a loud laughter. Tom's face turned beet red.  Tom was so ashamed and ran out. To his great humiliation, he tripped and fell down.

After being so publicly humiliated, there was nothing that he could do to save face. That day became the most embarrassing day for Tom. The discomfort felt within those few minutes was unforgettable for him.
Embarrassing moment is that when one wishes the earth could develop an opening and swallow him or her. 

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