is BOON or BANE?
Science is
nothing but systematic classification of experiences. Can you imagine the world
without Science? The life would be harder. Every
part of life whether it is food or recreation is related to science and its
various ways.

So it is easy to conclude science is boon to
us. As Newton said “To every actions it has its equal opposite reaction” ,
Science also have have its own negative side.
Industrial revolution have created lots pollution problems. Already the
ozone layer gave threaten signal. The more use of technology started destroying
Nature. The human become more addict on technology . The powers like Guns , Riffles,
Nuclear Power are also an important inventions of Science for Security purpose.
But unfortunately these are used as destructives of Earth.
Man is a logical being. When you fire a
wood to get warm it is boon at the same time when you fire the same to destroy
something it is a bane. So we should choose wisely.
Do you think Science Boon or Bane?
Post your comments. Can suggest more